A. No. Students must be 10 years of age to be included in the insurance cover.

No. You can go straight into Level 3, although you can do levels 1 and 2 if you have time.

No. You can commence the Award at any date, but obviously, if you wish to complete a level within the school year, the sooner you start, the better.

You should aim to complete Level 4 by your 14th birthday.

No. You must complete one level at a time. Generally you should aim to complete one level each year.

Contact the Award office, so that a replacement can be sent to you. There is a fee for replacement books.


The aim of the Award is to challenge you and to extend your skills and build confidence. You will need to go
outside your day to day ‘comfort zone’. Therefore whilst you may use a school activity you should demonstrate
that you have done something extra in your own time.

No, you can join a team or do it on your own, concentrate on something you’re already doing or try something
completely different – it’s up to you.

You can stay with the same activity, but you should be setting harder goals and work on improving and building on skills. However, the spirit of the Award is to try new things and seek new challenges and you should always look on each new level as an opportunity to commence something new.

You are encouraged to stick at something as long as possible. However, if the activity is proving too difficult, you may change. We want you to have fun, but before you change, discuss the matter with your teacher and parents. There may be a way of modifying the first activity so that you can complete the requirements.

Yes, but only if you set different goals within that activity, placing a different emphasis on each section so you don’t double count any time you spend on the activity. However, you are strongly urged to try something new, which offers different challenges.

The important element of Volunteering, is that you are helping someone else. The Hobbies/Skill section is for
you to improve something for yourself.

Physical Activity should increase your heart rate or physical strength, whereas a Skill increases your knowledge and understanding. It is a more passive activity.


The performance of dance is Physical Recreation, as you are becoming fitter through your involvement and
increasing your heart rate. To be included as a Skill your efforts would need to be more passive; you could
concentrate on the theory or history of ballet or choreography.

Becuase you are increasing your heart rate and becoming fitter it counts as a Physical Activity. However, as for
ballet, if you study the history behind yoga it would then be a Skill.

No, it can’t be counted for either section because it is benefitting the business and not the community

Yes, as long as you are not being paid for doing it.

Yes, if the purpose of doing it is to increase your fitness level and it is done without payment.

Even though you are learning a new skill it is still a Physical Activity, because you are getting active and
increasing your heart rate.

Yes, but you would need to go beyond the classroom and homework activities set by your teacher and do extra
activities in your own time.


It should be someone over the age of 18 who has special knowledge or experience of your activity and can
report on your progress.

It is recommended that you go beyond your family whenever possible. However, for some activities your
parents may be the only choice because they have been with you as an escort on an excursion or walk.

No, but they may be involved with your instruction

Exploration (specific to Level 4 - 2 days & 1 night expedition)

Yes, provided that you take on a major role in leading and organising the activity and that your parents have a
suitable level of experience.

Yes, however it is recommended that you experience living in a tent.

Yes they can, provided they meet the Award requirements and you play a significant part in the planning,
training and preparation. A school camp, where you stay in huts and eat meals prepared for you, would not

No. The activity commences when you start walking with your pack, get into a kayak or hop on a bike.

The exploration must be supervised by an adult who accepts responsibility of the group while on the
exploration. The Award office expects that the leader or instructor properly prepares you for the expedition
by providing training beforehand. If there is concern about safety, the adult has the right to call off the trip
until conditions or circumstances improve. On the trip you and your peers may decide to elect a Participant
leader, who can help make decisions like where to set up tents & when to eat. If your parents are not
accompanying you, you will need to get parent permission forms signed.

You need to write brief details about the purpose and results of the trip in your Record Book. You may also
choose or be asked to provide an additional report/reflection such as a written or oral report or you may chose
to draw pictures or take photos. Remember that your trip should not just be a journey, but a specific mission to
learn something new about a location, the history or geography.

Yes, but you would need to go beyond the classroom and homework activities set by your teacher and do extra
activities in your own time.

Changing schools

You can continue to complete the requirements of The Compass Award at another school which is
operating the program. If you change schools, please ask your Coordinator to contact Awards Victoria
so that your records can be amended. It may also be possible to complete The Award as an
Independent Participant. You are always welcome to seek advice from Awards Victoria.

Awards Victoria Ltd is committed to being a child safe and child friendly organisation. It recognises, respects and promotes children’s rights and is committed to protecting and empowering children who come into contact with the organisation. At Awards Victoria Ltd children are to be listened to, taken seriously and treated with sensitivity and compassion.

Awards Victoria Ltd acknowledges that children’s safety is the responsibility of the whole community and recognises its own responsibilities in keeping children safe from abuse. It has a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse.

Awards Victoria Ltd values diversity and will not tolerate discriminatory practices. It recognises the vulnerabilities of particular groups of children and pays particular attention to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and the safety of children with a disability.